Please note there will be no classes until the New Year as we are closed for a holiday hiatus.
Classes resume Tuesday, January 4 at 6:30 pm. Hope to see you then.
Killian discovered yoga in 1997, in a studio across the street from her local YMCA. She has been hooked on the practice ever since, rediscovering yoga anew each time she returns to her mat.
The therapeutic benefits of a regular yoga practice were newly revealed to Killian by a recent accident. Not only were her serious injuries much less severe than they had the potential to be, but her doctors continue to be confounded with the extent of her recovery. The gift of these injuries makes her a more sensitive teacher.
Her thirst for knowledge about this transformative practice has led her to want to share all that she learns, in order to help others have their own healing experience.
Killian has completed two Anusara Teacher Trainings, is certified in Ma Prenatal Yoga, and continues to study all aspects of yoga. Her classes combine the alignment and philosophy of Anusara, with the flowing grace inspired by her studies in the Jivamutki lineage. She gives loving thanks to all of her teachers.